
Wednesday 19 October 2016


Today i have tried out the recipes minus a few ingredients as i wasn't going to try eat these afterwards. I have made cookies and buns here's the images

As you can see the cookies haven't gone to plan as the colour hasnt run from the fabrics. However i do like how the fabric has formed different shapes in the cookies and as i cut them with scissors the fabric appeared.

The buns didn't work well either as the fabric didn't run but again i do like how the fabric has formed different shapes.

Tuesday 18 October 2016

Artist Speaker

Bridget Campbell

Her website -

Gilbet and George

For my 5 minute presentation I have decided to do a performance piece by Gilbert and George called THE SINGING SCULPTURE.

This was shown in 1969 and is where their reputation started.

------------------------------------Still need video and 1 more book to be covered. Exhibition catalogues?
My Referencing:

Carter, R. and Robert, R (1993), Gilbert & George The Singing Sculpture, Thames and Hudson LTD, London

Christophe, C (2009), In and Out of Amsterdam: Travels in Conceptual Art 1960-1976, The Museum of Modern Art, New York. [Online] p90.,+gilbert+and++george&source=bl&ots=B3B2fcVp_2&sig=VltUmN82lGVWngANf4RStGFtzKY&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiEmLSO39vQAhXrDsAKHTzuCsQQ6AEIODAG#v=onepage&q=In%20and%20Out%20of%20Amsterdam%3A%20Travels%20in%20Conceptual%20Art%201960-1976%2C%20gilbert%20and%20%20george&f=false

DPSVideoLibary, (2008), ECE-2: Gilbert & George: On Living Sculpture [Video] Accessed on Dec 4th 2016,

Erasedculture's Channel, (2012), Mark Lawson Talks To Gilbert and George [Video] Accessed on Nov 6th 2016,

Lehmann, M (1997), Gilbert & George The Fundamental Pictures [Online] Accessed on Nov 4th 2016,

Nicholas, W (2012), Gilbert & George: Lives in art, The Guardian, [Online] Accessed on Oct 28th 2016,

Robert, S (1991), Review/Art; Gilbert and George 20 Years Later, NY Times, [Online] Accessed on  Oct 28th 2016,

TATE (2007), Gilbert & George Major Exhibition, [Online] Accessed Nov 6th 2016,


How to reference:
All sources that have been mentioned in the main text need to be listed, alphabetically, in the referencing section using the correct format as listed in this guide.
If you have used et al. in your citation you need to list all authors in the entry in your reference list.
If you have two or more authors with the same name you list them in alphabetical order according to the author’s first name:


Mullins, L. J. (2007) Management and organisational behaviour. 8th ed., Harlow: Financial Times Prentice Hall.
Mullins, R. (2007) ‘iPhone: why one little gadget matters so much.’ Network World, 24(50) p. 33.
If you have a single author, where the surname is the same but the publication year is different the sources should be listed in chronological order with the earliest publication first.


Cottrell, S. (2005) Critical thinking skills: developing effective analysis and argument. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Cottrell, S. (2008) The study skills handbook. 3rd ed., Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
If you have two or more sources where the author’s surname is the same, but one publication is written by a single author and the other is written by more than one author, the single authored publication will be listed first.  This will be the case regardless of the author’s first name.


Jameson, R. (1994) ‘Making the connection.’ Housing, 30(1) pp. 45-46.
Jameson, K. and Kidd, P. (1974) Pre-school play. London: Studio Vista.
In the above example Jameson, R. comes before Jameson, K.  This is because a joint publication is always placed after the single author of the same name.
Allison, C. (2007) Tornado picture. Oklahoma weather stock: photo and video stock by Charles Allison. [Online image] [Accessed on 16th February 2009]
Arthur, C. (2012) ‘YouTube loses music clip copyright battle in court.’ The Guardian. [Online] 24th April [Accessed on 24th April 2012]
Barnes, M. and Brannelly, T. (2008) ‘Achieving care and social justice for people with dementia.’ Nursing Ethics, 15(3) pp. 384-395.
BBC. (2009) Teenage obesity link to future MS. [Online] [Accessed on 13th January 2010]
Cottrell, S. (2005) Critical thinking skills: developing effective analysis and argument. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Cottrell, S. (2008) The study skills handbook. 3rd ed., Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Department for Children, Schools and Families. (2008) Working together: listening to the voices of children and young people. Unknown place of publication: Department for Children, Schools and Families. [Online] [Accessed on 9th February 2009]

Experimentation project

For my project i have decided to explore the relationship between fabric and other materials for example plaster.
My first hurdle was when i realized that i couldn't not do this without a plaster induction therefore i needed to try and book one as soon as possible, this however isn't cant be done before the project has to be handed  in so i need to look at other materials that are closer to home.
FLOUR? maybe i could make doe and see how the materials act with it?

I would need to research into the fabrics that shouldn't be heated up and that will burn easily as if i was to put them into the oven they would set the fire alarm off and i don't think people in my halls would appreciate that.

I want to see if the any of the fabrics would bleed out into any of the other materials i put them with as in a previous project i used plaster and it pulled out the colour of the fabric which i wasn't expecting.

For buns,
110g/4oz butter or margarine, softened at room temperature.
110g/4oz caster sugar.
2 free-range eggs, lightly beaten.
1 tsp vanilla extract.
110g/4oz self-raising flour
1-2 tbsp milk.

For biscuits,
250g butter, softened
140g caster sugar
1 egg yolk
2 tsp vanilla extract
300g plain flour

Monday 17 October 2016

Manchester Museum

Today we had a gallery visit to the Manchester museum and there was one space that got my eye. This space is work by both Sarah Marsh and Jessica Wild and its trying to encourage families to explore transformations through sensory, imaginary and creative play. The one i focused on was the one with mirrors and different shaped fabrics. I also liked how the whole room had the same theme and you could carry everything on from one part to the next for example on the pillars in the room there where heads that you could put the fabrics on but also the pipes from the section next to it and everything around the room was within reach of all ages which i liked.

Friday 14 October 2016


This is a way of presenting your work, I have used it to show the artists I like and some previous work which I enjoyed doing. The presentation lasted just over 2 minutes and I briefly spoke about each slide. It has helped me decide what I want to do for my project. Ill be focusing on fabric and all the different materials I can combine fabric with.