
Wednesday 23 November 2016

whitworth gallery

Went on a little stroll to the Whitworth gallery to see what was there. It was a beautiful day and the park linked to the gallery looked lovely. I do like how the park has sculpture in it but there's not many.

Personally i am not into old painting or paintings in general in a gallery so i didnt spend much time in this gallery however i went to the top floor and they had a costume which i rather liked, i dont have a photo but it was by Brian Griffiths and was called Bear work wear (block) 2011. It had large duck like feet and was an all in one costume which game me the idea of a possible performance or costume which was out of proportion...?

I also tried to work on my drawing as i havnt done any since i left college however i shall not be posting a photo as i still need a lot more practice

Wednesday 16 November 2016

Plaster work

Here is some of my plaster work that i have been doing, the idea is still that i want the fabric to run into other materials however i have not found the right material. 

This photo is of 3 different fabrics i used. non of them ran but all made different impression in the plaster and different shapes. I do rather like the smaller plaster works as they are cute and remind me of flowers. 
This is the one that has worked the best. The plaster has taken some of the colour from the material and the texture, I also love the contrast between the textured sides and the plane white side which is just plane plaster. You can also see that the plaster have left a mark on the fabric which i find interesting and it has done so on most of the other samples i have done.

Each piece makes different shapes.

I then thought about how i could present them... could i hang they up? so i have started to take off the fabric from this plaster but left it and i do think that it looks rather nice hung like this so maybe i could do it with some others?

It then came to try to present them for our first mini exhibition and i was struggling as i wasnt sure how to present them. Just have 1 on its own looks too spaced out so i tried using different fabric underneath it that didnt seem to work. But i thought that too many of these mini sculptures where to much i couldnt find a middle.
In the end i made some more little sculpture to hang and with different fabric and this is how i presented it.

Tuesday 1 November 2016

Experiment 2

Today i have tried to redo the same experiment as the other week but i have decided to dye my own fabric and not set the dye permanently so it has a better chance of running into the buns. And it has worked! What i am going to take from this is that it might be better to dye my own fabric different/multi colours if i want a specific effect when using different mediums.