
Saturday 28 January 2017


Me and Erin decided that we would go to Liverpool and look at the galleries there. We visited the Walker was the first then fact the bluecoat and Tate Liverpool and the open eye gallery.






Friday 27 January 2017

Group Crit

Today I have had a group crit here are the notes I have from it;

Makes you question what's in it (my big sheet filled with bin bags and balloons)
Could ask the question about why people want to touch and don't touch the art work?
Syco Buildings 2008
Ernesto Neto was an artists brought up about his massive net passages that you are allowed to climb through. I have looked into this artists before.
Do I prefer an Object or Environment? I wasn't too sure as I would like to be surrounded by an art work but equally I do like an object as the art.
Architects of air... Festival
How do I use colour? How do they interact?
Start small and test, then go bigger.
Christi and Jeanne-Claude

Thursday 26 January 2017


This is the video from today to show the movement with this piece i have made. I love how light this is and how is moves in the air.

Idea developement

Today i have been thinking of different ways that i could fill this massive duvet cover and then i remembered that i could hold air in bin bags and i started to do so. This would fill more of the duvet than balloons or just bags which i have been collecting. Kevin then came in to the box to see what i was doing and said am i going to place these around the room so you have to walk around them and that it looked like they were filled with something other than air. I liked the idea of putting multiple bags around the room so i tried that out and here are some photos. 


I then started to put these into the duvet cover and found that i really like the shape that these bags where giving the duvet. It made me wonder what was underneath the sheet.

 I then decided that i hadn't got enough bags to fill this duvet and started to blow balloons up with the help of Erin and thought they made this look more playful however , it was messy and so i put them inside with the bags.

 The balloons gave a different level to the piece and even though didn't fill the duvet helped. Me and Erin then thought of jumping onto it but soon rethought it and realized that that wouldn't work. Instead i started to pick it up and spin around with it and throw it at the corner of the room. It was light enough to do this which i thought was odd but liked it and it made some odd shapes.

I think what i will do next time is add colour to the sheet as my ideas are playful and colourful, Another idea is that i could add other pockets to this and make it bigger.

Tuesday 24 January 2017


Today i have been thinking i need to do some work and the only thing i had with me from my ideas was this sheet so i decided to sit in it for a good hour just talking to people, with my head out but it was very spacious. I then asked someone to come take photos, here is what i have got.
To start with i tried to see if the camera could capture what i could see through the sheet and it worked..

 I then got photos from the opposite side, I really liked how i could make any shape and you couldn't see the whole of me underneath. Like minus the hair its difficult to tell what is underneath the sheet.