
Tuesday 29 April 2014

Inspired by Art Wolfe

I have chosen to try out Wolfe's style of painting people as 2D art on paper using paints. Using one of the drawing from my life drawing I have turned it into a silhouette and have done a few experiments that have come out better than I expected.

 This one of based on Wolfe's image where there is a little girl with stood to the right of the image with similar patterns on.

This is half of an image and this is done by using the same drawing from my life drawing and I have cut it out of the sheet and painted what was left black and covered it with white hand prints.

This is the cut out from the image above but has a white background with a black silhouette with the opposite colour as the hands. These 2 make one piece of work as it shows the contract but shows it works equally as good both ways.

What is sculpture

What is Sculpture?
                Google says - Noun 'The art of making two or three-dimensional representative or abstract forms, especially by carving stone or wood or by casting metal or plaster.
"the boundary between painting and sculpture"'
                                     - Verb 'Make or represent (a form) by carving, casting, or other shaping techniques.
"the choir stalls were each carefully sculpture"'

Sculpture Techniques
                  There are a few techniques such as modelling, carving, casting and construction.
        Modelling is fixable material which allows more or the material to be added or even subtracted.
        Carving is a limited to only the size of material here is using tools the material is chipped away, the only way in which to correct a mistake is to construct the individual part which has gone wrong in the same material that the sculpture is made of and mechanically attach them together.
        Casting is a technique that allows the artist to reproduce their work whether it is modelled, carved or constructed.

Inspired by Art Wolfe

I decided I wanted to try and create something similar to Wolfe's abstract art, the only problem is I don't have a sheet to paint as a back ground or a lot of volunteer to paint so I will have to make do.

I struggled getting the white to stay white as the face paint was water based and the white turned grey, overall I feel as a first attempt it has worked well. Also this would be rather easy to do in a bigger scale.

Art Wolfe

Art Wolfe - Human Canvas

I love how Wolfe manages to create an image using people and in some of his art work he has managed to make his work into an illusion as he makes paints people so that they blend into his background.

My Drawing - Adam Markinakias

Using this research of Adam Markinakias I have tried capturing a similar effect but on paper. Here are the images I have drawn in my life drawing sessions.

Adam Martinakias

Adam Martinakias does a lot of digital artwork from his sculptures.

This is called 'The Remains of a Memory'
This is called 'It doesn't matter which skin colour you wear, everyone can become a mummy! - LOVE MUMMIES'

're(al)creation of Adam'
This is one of Adam Martinakias' 3D environments. I love how Adam creates these figures that look like they have been made from roots. Also I find it amazing how the sculptures are see though, it isn't a solid object(s).

Mark Making - Drawing

There are many different types of mark making and everyone is capable of doing those even children. This is because any mark on a piece of paper counts as mark making. Here are some examples of mark making;

Contour lines are something you use is geography especially on maps; they are to determine how high a place is above sea level. However in art when told to draw contour lines you are drawing the outline of an object or figure. Here are 2 examples of this;

My Life Drawing

This is one of my life drawing images that faintly show I have used measurements plotted along the line of gravity. It was drawn on the 7-11-13.
I struggled using the measurements technique when life drawing as I couldn't get the proportions right or what I lined the mark with on the life model I had already drawn in some cases. Also I struggled with the drawing the full figure in proportion using measurements in the time given.

Drawing Techniques

 Charles X. Carlson - This technique is the circular drawing technique. it is done by drawing lightly the big forms of the body individually foe example the shoulders would be 2 circles/ovals, the head one ect. Then when the whole body is planned out then drawing in the bigger circles/ovals with smaller ones to crate more shape. Once that's done then shade some of the circles/ovals in.
  This method is done by using circles and lines to get the shape of the figure. The circles represent the joints for example the shoulders, knees and elbows. First draw a stick figure but using circles for the joints and then join them up with straight lines as shown above.
  This technique is similar to the one above with drawing a stick figure but instead of drawing circles just draw lines lightly so that when you draw the figure the line the fist marks made will not be seen as much. Then thicken the lines drawn and slowly the figure will appear.

This image shows the proportions of the body. This way of drawing is done by measurements. By using your pencil and putting your arm out straight in front of you, close one eye and from the end of your pencil measure the head (top of the pencil) to the chin(place your finger on the pencil to mark it), then turn to your paper keeping your mark on the pencil and your arm straight make 2 makes on your paper of the top of the paper which is the top of the head and another mark where your finger is where you just measured. This method is then used for the rest of the body. Measure the head again, then place the top of the pencil to the chin and where ever you finger is know is your next make on your paper. This is done down the rest of the body. Now for the shoulders you first have to turn you pencil horizontally and measure the head across and mark this onto your paper where you first marked the head. Then straight under the head should be another one the same width then one either side of that and you have the width of the shoulders.