
Tuesday 11 November 2014

My Product

What is the product called?
The purpose of my product is to help enhance creative flow within people ages 18+. 

There are many benefits to my product, it is a herbal remedy therefore is all natural resources. It is however not a cure for any of the listed but is there as a helping hand. My product will help reduce stress levels, anger and headaches. It can help keep you motivated, concentrated, help with confidence and even help with that well known creative block\writers block. 

There are 3 products and can all be sold separately or all together. Each of the 3 products in this collection will help/prevent 3 different emotional distress.

Being a student myself i go through a lot of stress with deadlines, trying to keep motivated after a sleepless nights or even trying to concentrate with my work out of college. These remedies i have produced have become a reliability as they help with them everyday problems that prevent me from getting the best results in my work. All I have to do is to put one drop of the liquid into my drink and I am back on track.

This amazing new product is not aimed at any age, gender or life style, it is aimed at what/how you feel and what is pulling you down so that you are not reaching your full potential. As long as you are 18+ you are able to buy this product from Boots, Super drug, any leading supermarkets and your local pharmacies. 

I am thinking of calling each product earth water fire and air as they are all natural. 

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