
Sunday 22 February 2015

Final peice

After my playful and rather fun lesson i decided that i was going to use the caterpillar like thing for my sculpture final peice. What i needed to do was add colour and create something. Here i have found some bright material and sewn it to the wodding but only the sides as you can see the wodding coming through the top. I have also added a blue bit of material this is so i can see how it would look if i were to try and have it so this peice looked like to was bursting out in places. This links to metamorphasis as it is like a catapillar changing into something else. 
The next few photos are of this but with more added to it with bright colours to make it stand out and ive added bottle tops to it aswell as i am thinking of putting the bottle tops on strings on to make the sound.
I love the colours and how it gives the efect of it bursting out even though i havnt wrapped myself up in the elastic.
Once i was happy with this i relised i needed to make a hat for this but wasnt sure what shape to make it, to have a point on the end or have a cilinder top. 
I started off with making a square out of material and thinking of how i could make it so it didnt just flow. I though about putting wire around the edges and try putting it on my head this is what happened.
I really liked the shape of the squaare with presure in the middle of it but i didnt like how it covered my face and i couldnt see so i thought of putting it on my shoulders as i needed this hat to cover my head but also the top of the sculpure. This worked and looked really good and its enhanced the shape of the sqare.
I just needed to make something that covered my face that could be attached to this some how and i needed to be able to see thought it.
So i thought wire would be strong enought to hold itself up and i could easily attatch it to the baise. Here are the too together. 
I started to think that these 2 peices looked like they could be 2 different peices rather than the same because of the colour difference. Putting that problem/thought aside i decided to concour the problem of me being about to see throught this but for people to look at the costume/scultpure. With some help i managed to find a range of materials that could do the job but i found best a black linning material i then found some scrap peices of netting which is easy to see through and added them to this. It looks like its just burst out the top and is running down the scultpure. 
Still thinking it looked like a seperate peice i decided to but some pink into the top of the sculpture and some of the netting into the peice wrapped around me so it blended in a bit more. Here is the final peice.
My only problem now is i cant walk up staires and this should be going down a fashion show that the college does each year and there are steps i am to walk up to get to it.

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