
Wednesday 22 April 2015




BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma in Art and Design



Student Name
Emma Betts
Subject Specialism
Fine Art
Working title or theme
Adobe SystemsBreak Free




Your proposal must provide an outline brief of your Final Major Project (FMP). The brief will normally be of your own choosing.
Prepare your proposal carefully, referring to the guidance in each section below. The guidance should be seen as a prompt and not be regarded as being prescriptive.
The proposal must be a minimum of 300 and must not exceed 500 words (excluding the APPENDIX). Each section, One to Four, has a guide to the number of words to best structure your proposal to meet the grading criteria for unit 6.  You are reminded that the bibliography and timescale should be included in the APPENDIX and will not be included in the overall word count.
Remember, unit 6 is a double unit, therefore you must ensure your proposal has the breadth to enable you to produce work that quantifies this.
Your FMP proposal must be word processed
Your proposal must be no less than 300 words and be no more than 500 words.


The title of my project so far is ‘Break Free’ and I will be working toward creating an instillation that is playful and interactive. This relates to childhood and how playful they are as adults are restricted. As I am looking to go into fine art this project will allow me to create different individual experiments and allow me to play around with different techniques to create the same effect or end product. This also allows me to become a child again and experience things in a different mind-set and try to become a different individual for my work.

Some of the artists I could look at are Duchamp, surrealism artists in the 30’s and Bart Hess as I liked his work in a previous project. These are relevant because Duchamp has made some playfull pieces and some have been to distrupt spaces, the surrealists created weird and wakey and I like their pieces and bart hess’s work is wired to look at and playful. There are 3 museums I am going to visit to help with my research 2 are in Nottingham and 1 in Lincoln, this is along with the 2 university visits to both unis to look at their end of year exhibitions. I am also going to harry potter world in London the 1st week of FMP.

Some of the techniques I am thinking of using are tieing different materials together to create a web or nets. I could also try some arm knitting or mcrami. I want to use many materials like plaster, balloons, tights, bin bags, rubbish lying around the house. I’m planning on combining materials and seeing what work best with which material and what effects I can create, the different out comes will affect how my end piece looks. If I were to use plaster I would have to have ventilation in the room where I am mixing and gloves to protect my hands.

Throughout this project I will be uploading images and videos to my blog and evaluation everything as I go. Also I will be asking other students about individual pieces and asking for their feedback. There will be group crits which everyone will have their say and I will keep a note of them. This is so that I know how my work is being seen by others and if my work is coming across in the right way, also people will be able to tell me if something isn’t working and if I should carry on with something. I will know that my FMP has work successfully as I will see and hear other student’s reactions, my friends and family which are coming to visit and experience my final piece would have fun.

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