
Sunday 7 June 2015


Not long left now till i have to start putting this thing together.
What could go on the floor??
             Part of our foam bed                          |      Soft
             Mats that you wipe your shoes on     |      Hard but not uncomfortable
             Bubble Wrap (Would be layers of     |      Soft
What would go on the ceiling?
             My arm knitted net with things in     |       Soft, Light               |     Can easily add lights to it
             Tights with wodding in                     |       Soft , Light              |     Can easily add lights to it
What could i add to the sides?
             Tights stapled from cieling               |        Soft, Stretchy

With the floor i have to think about there being a trip hazard if im having different thinks on the floor that are different hights.
- I could have the sizes decrease and you walk though so that there isnt a step up that would cause you to trip or fall.
- I have thought about just having one thing on the floor but i font thing it would give the same effect and i dont have anything long enough.

My final peice will be a one way system to eliminate people bumbing into one another and the trip hazard. I can then plan it for people to go the one way instead of both plus it sound be wide enough for one person to pass through.
On the outside id have arrows indicating which way to go and hope people took notice or its their fault.

On the enterance i would have written enter here, please take off your shoes and mind your step.

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