
Wednesday 30 September 2015

Uni open days BOOKED

Paper models

I have been asked to create a 3d sculpture that is athetically pleasing using the poster as a starting point. I have drawn out shapes and different compositions from my poster then I have cut out some of the shapes and started putting them together. Here are some of my compositions.

Monday 28 September 2015


What is a manifesto?
A manifesto is a statment which is published and made by a party/group of people of an individual stating their intention, motives or views.
It will accept either a previous published opinion or public consensus (which is a group desision making process) or it will promote a new idea and the changed which the party/group or individual believes should be made.

Surrealist manifesto
There were 2 surealist manifestos, the first was written by Breton and was then published in 1924. Editions du Sagittaire (a booklet).
"Psychic automatism in its pure state, by which one proposes to express — verbally, by means of the written word, or in any other manner — the actual functioning of thought. Dictated by the thought, in the absence of any control exercised by reason, exempt from any aesthetic or moral concern."
(1929) The second manifesto Breton asked surrealists to access their degree of moral competence. With this information he issued the second manifeste du surrealisme.
Surrealists who did not go by Baron, Densons, Boiffard, Michel Leiris, Raymond Queneau, Jacques Prevert and Andre Masson were no long apart of this. The surrealists who were loyal to Breton had signed their names on an insert of the manifestos release.

 Surrealism at the service of the revolution. This was after the second manifesto, by Andre Breton and his supporters. It was a more politically charged publication. The first one was published in 1930 and 5 more followed.

Heres a link to the first manifesto

Heres the second manifesto


These are the images that I am using for my poster. I have got rid of the white background, grey scaled the image so its back and white then added an effect.

 I then added a red back ground as most of the posters are red then I added another colour other than white to the image as none of the propaganda posters ra#eally have white its an off white.

I then decided to try and create a poster

 Here is the final poster. we were asked to use a different 4 sided shape to make us think about the composition of the poster as everything changes when its not square. Then I needed to distress  the whole image.


On my way to leeds, I'm a bit nervous as i will only know one person there and were all going out on a night out, i don't want to be left on my own....

Just met up with my friend and were off on a walk back to the accommodation, i do like the look of leeds city and its only a 30minute train jurney from home and i could easily drive here. I remember some bit of leeds like the royal armoires and the square the entrance is on from last year when we went.
I might have to have a look at the uni's in leeds!

Just found out that we are going out to a silent discos.... I remember saucy a student and friend from last year telling me about when she went to one so I'm a bit optimistic....

Brilliant night out with everyone, the uni is a distance from the accommodation that i stayed in but its really nice. Double beds, has their own bathrooms. I have managed to get some videos of the silent disco, which was rather funny until you realise everyone is doing the same thing so you just go with it. I would go to one again.
I also recognised the campus as i have been there in year 12 of school and sat  in some lectures.

Heres the videos:
I liked how you could here in the break of one song the people who were listening to the other channel singing to their song and the 2 channels would dance differently as well.

Start of sculpture

Today I have created a wire frame to which I will add mod rock and other materials to fill in the space. This is from my observational drawings and of what I see above me. It reminded me of a spiders web so I started doing that realised it was a bit flat so I bilt it out. I'm. It too sure on it at the moment.

Wednesday 23 September 2015

new idea!

i thought about just using photography for my poster as my design didn't work but what?..
The popular poster and the one that i know is the one with the man saying we need you. i don't want to use the hand as the rest of the class is doing so so i thought i would try and use the face or do something similar.
i have asked another student to pose for me then i posed for some swell i think they have come out better than expected.
These are for the textures on the background.