
Wednesday 7 October 2015

The starting of the personal statement

Why this course?
- I enjoy getting messy
- I like the different materials

How did i get excited about the course?

Why does the subject interest you?

Skills i have?

Skills i have to do with the course?
I know a range of materials and how to use them and the health and safety involved with using them. For example; Plaster, Wire, Mod rock, Clay, Textiles and different fabrics and different range of techniques to create different effects, setting up sewing machines

Why do i think i am suitable for the course?

Do you're current or previous studies relate to the course?
-I have done 2 years in an extended diploma art and design and currently doing a foundation level in art and design.

Have i taken any activities related to the course?

What achievement am i proud of, positions of responsibility  that i hold or have held in or out of
- I have created a

What am i good at, what makes me interesting, special or unique.
-Being honest
-Being loud
-Working in a team

What are my hobbies and interests and social activities?
-I like driving
-Watching ice hockey
-Social activities, going for food with friends
-Karioki on sundays

What work experience do i have?

What am i wanting to do in the future?
-I am hoping to go into teaching art to children or secondary school pupils.
-I am not sure if i want to be someone who the school employees me for a period of time or if i work at one school permanently.

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