
Friday 2 December 2016

london Visit

Day 1
Welcome collection gallery
Love the stair case as i walked into the gallery
The exhibition on the ground floor was called Bedlam, and was about how the mental asylums had risen and fallen and how they had changed how we think of medial treatment today. Looking in the 1st room i remember thinking of how i cant wait to do the metal work induction at uni because on the large table in front of me it had metal sculptures of many objects and i liked the thought that they were simple to make and looked brilliant.

There was an exhibition that was about to be opened a couple days after which was called 'Making Nature' and with the current idea of collaborating with 2 other student on a nature costume project it would be ideal so i planed on visiting again when it opened.

Day 2
Tate Modern
I love walking into this gallery ! down the ramp into the unknown, the unknown being an artwork that normally fills the room. This unknown was loud noises and lights that echoed around this space but i didn't know what it was till i had look around the whole gallery.
There where 3 things that caught my eye in this gallery and they were the one with the circle light what going around the room and changes colour as the circular object spins.

The room that caught my eye as i passed bye it as it had large oblong shape objects on the floor. My first instinct was to touch these and to find out what they were made of, however they have a line surrounding them which meant i was not allowed to cross or even touch the artwork (what is the point in that!) Then i started to look and even though i could not touch it i enjoyed looking at it as it felt playful but that feeling needed for filling. At that point my friend said to me that galleries should have samples of the art work next to the piece so that people could touch the sample and not destroy the work.

Also there is a piece by Sheela Gowda and is human hair (i didn't believe it until i read the title) and car bumpers. At first it looked so cool, i wanted to touch and play around with it. However after finding out it was human hair and not rope i did not want to touch this piece.

White Cube
I LOVED this gallery as it was all 1 artists work. You where greeted by a guard giving you a sheet saying the rules of what you cannot touch any why.. LED. You then walk down a corridor full of beds not ordinary ones as the mattresses, quilts and pillows are made from led and it was tempting to touch one to see it if was. From the corridor lead 6 different rooms each with something different and fascination.

Day 3
After many attempts to try to get into this gallery i finally found the right opening and wasn't actually that amazed by what i saw. Ok this gallery was for film and i have done some kind of film in previous works however it was mainly music videos. one piece that did get me was

Have some fun. Site seeing..
I went into HAMLEES as as a kid i remember loving it. Games fun being a child. That's what i need for my project. It wasn't as fun as i thought but the staff made it fun so why can i not do that in my project.....

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