
Thursday 16 February 2017


I feel like this project could have gone a little better as I haven't done a lot of research and I feel that that would have helped me improve my final piece although what I have made does what I want it to do, well from what happened at the end of my presentation, everyone was curious and ended up interacting with it.
The research that I have done I would say was my main influence which was the potato like sculptures from the Tate Modern in London. This made me want to make something fun and for people to interact with.
From this project I have learnt that I shouldn't be afraid of scale because if I put my mind to it I can achieve anything big or small. Another thing I have learn is that for me to feel like I have got somewhere in a project I need to have been in the box and made something whether it’s a quick unexpected pop up sculpture or the start of my final piece.

If I were to do something similar again I would try and use different materials for example knitting or crochet to create a 'sack' to hold materials. I may also create smaller alternatives like a set, each with different textures inside and outside. I could also get in touch with a local primary school to help out or get them involved with one of my projects to get feedback from the children as the way I work is quite playful.

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