
Wednesday 15 March 2017

Research Evaluation

To begin this project I looking into Nick Cave and his Sound Suits. I started here because I have previously looked into his work before and it goes well with the title of this unit that is 'Creativity in Motion'. I really like the idea of creating a costume that moves and creates sounds, we are with fashion students as well so it could work well with what they make. From Cave's videos on YouTube, I found myself on a different channel called 'Brilliant Ideas'. The channel talks about and to different artists. This led me to the performance artist Marina Abramovic she is seen as the mother of performance art. Her work does not relate to the project directly but performance I feel will play a big part of my individual project. 

I also had a look on Google for movement artists and I found Heather Hansen. She works with her body and creates huge drawings on paper using charcoal. These drawings are also her performances which links with Marina's work. I like the use of her body to create these pieces of work and how each move is recorded in the charcoal on the paper.

I have also been looking though Instagram to see if there is anything that links to the unit title and found a great video that is linked in a previous post. This has had me thinking about not making a costume or item of clothing but instead something that actually moves in the exhibition for example a sculpture with loose fabric that moves, this will need to be moved by something however. This would make my work stand out instead of just having a video on a screen or a garment on a wall.

Still to this day, our group cannot come up with a theme that everyone can agree on, we have met 3 times with the odd person missing and have had a group presentation to talk about our ideas and our theme, it was to 3 other groups and the tutors. From this, what everyone in the group was aiming towards was waves, and the feedback was good. What I had looked at was wind and fans therefore I suggested the theme 'Elements' which fitted everyone ideas. This however has been changed as it is too broad, the new suggestions are sea side towns and arcades which leaves myself and Frankie the task of trying to get the group to consider our ideas as they don't fit into these current themes. This is what I am finding the hardest as my ideas, thoughts do not seem to have be taken into consideration.

With the theme not being set yet, I have not been able to do my specific research to connect the whole group. Therefore, I have just looked at movement as a whole hoping that it will fit in when we decide on a permanent theme. I am also going to carry out more in depth research into other ideas as I go through the project.

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