
Saturday 7 April 2018


I have done 3 days work experience in a nursery working with ages 2 to 4. I thought that it would be difficult to wake up at 8 and do a full day when my scheduled is not the best, however, i managed perfectly.
While i was there i was told not to take photos or have my phone on me as it is against policy and to keep the children safe. I was told not to answer the phone or the door as i was not a full member of staff. I could devise any art activity and do it in small groups as there were a lot of children. Lastly i  was not going to be left alone with any children for they protection and safety too.
One member of staff later told me that we are there to facilitate their learning, so they (the staff) set up areas and allow the children to play freely as long as they are not silly. They also told me about their 'free flow' play. This is when on a good day the doors to the garden are opened and the children are allowed to come and go as they please with staff both inside and out. To me this sounded like such a good place for children to start out their life, they are allowed and encouraged to learn through play.
Inside the nursery they have a messy art section and often they place a tray with different objects in for the children to but there hands in, for example, rice, glitter, pipe cleaners ect. There is a water after with many to plunge into it, tables for play doe, dress up area and a reading area. Outside there is a mud kitchen where the children can make all sorts or concoctions, a place to ride bikes, sesores and some soft play which is spongy, waterproof blocks the children can climb on.
It was such a good experience and they asked me back the week after and say i could be paid and if i get an enhanced DBS i can work there over summer and i have jumped to the opportunity i enjoyed it so much. It may not be the age range i want to work with but it has given me an incite into how younger children are and how they learn along with the environment. 

Monday 2 April 2018

Second workshop

The second workshop started quietly but eventually people started to come through the door. Another student who was helping me out was telling the families at the park about the art and craft workshop. The parents were saying they didn’t hear about it before coming to the park so I do need to rethink the distribution of information. However I had over 15 children and some adults join in the 2 exorcises. At one point of the workshop every seat was full around the tables and some parents were stood, this felt like so much to handle at a point as i want on my own in the barn where the workshop was being held, and that I couldn’t cope but parents were understanding and it was a breeze in the end. A 2 year old who had never seen paint before got stuck in and didn’t want to leave which i thought was brilliant as it shows i'm doing a good job, along with multiple parents saying it was such a good idea and we have followers on our Facebook page now. The 3rd workshop however is going to have to be cancelled because no one can do it for me and I have a family commitment, it’s disappointing but I can’t do anything about it.