
Tuesday 1 May 2018

Most likely to succeed

Lead up to today .
A couple of weeks ago we had a meeting and sorted ourselves into groups of what we wanted to do and a hand full of us wanted to do the steam co. day. As ideas went on people who were late joined the group and were looking clueless, just listening and having little or no input. This was annoying as we needed ideas and everyone should have contributed.  The odd person was coming up with good ideas but they were all final object driven which is something we don’t need! The learner needs to create their final product and they need to learn something. This is what ideas were lacking. 
Next meeting.
Only 4 of us met. More annoying! And frustrating that others in the group were not bothered but I could see this in the previous meeting so we came up with an idea that incorporated everything from the first meeting with learning objectives and not outcome driven! It was good just needed tweaking. I layer told 2 other members of the group who didn’t turn up to the meeting and 1 member who turned up late lacked anything to what id just said and the other had different opinions but as we met because it was decided. 

There was a bit of confusion about the activity as not everyone was at the last meeting and social media, not everyone was checking it. Not my fault but its group work everyone should be involved. We had the majority of materials we wanted which was good. However too many opinions just added to the confusion and the idea changed back to having an original outcome. I was very annoyed because i tried my best to take this aspect out of the event and it was brought in by people who had not contributed as much as the rest. After setting up the tables (i was trying to make each table different, so that people didnt have an overwhelming amount of things in front of them) one member decided to put everything on everything untill i explained that overwhelming children with many items does not work, they dont know where to start. The tables then changed, however annoyingly the same person wanted to put up questions for example, what does education mean to you, describe education. These lead the learners to a more structured outcome which we do not want. I suggested having the word 'education?' to give an idea of what the learners would create but enough space for them to do what they want. This person went over me and asked a tutor not the group, and did it anyway. 
Over all the event was a success with some peoples minds being changed after they watched the film. Here are the photos with the post it notes being the reflections.

Machines can replace our muscles, brain and process power. When is the human obsolete?
100 years ago a committee of 10 all dictated what children should learn. It has not changed.
Larry rosenstock - people learn in different ways. He built high tech high. It was different. Help them do it on their own some kids can some kids cant. Public school but get less money per pupil and teacher. No bell. Subjects are combined.  What, how and how much they teach is up to the teacher.  Higher teachers who are interested in the subjects. Students encouraged to work individually and in groups

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