
Tuesday 17 June 2014



What is it?

          Assemblage is a process that artists use. It consists of piece of rubbish, found objects or old object put together to create a sculpture or piece of art. It can be 2D or 3D, the 2D is a relief.

Assemblage dates from the cubist constructions of Pablo Picasso in 1912 to 1914. And the word can be traced back to the 1950’s when Jean Dubuffet create a college out of butterfly wings.

Marcel Duchamp and Pablo Picasso both worked with found objects before Dubuffet. The first woman to use Assemblage was Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven.

This is a piece of work by Marcel Duchamp and is called Fountain.
This is a video of Marcel talking about some of this work.

These images below are some of Picasso's work.
This is a Bull's Head made of handle bars and a bike seat.

This is the goat(1950) and is made up of different object that have been.

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