
Monday 20 October 2014


Pre-Raphaelite is a group of 3 people who are made up of painters and a writer. The names of the artists are Sir John Everett Millais, Dante Gabriel Rossetti and William Holman Hunt. These 3 artists created paintings that broke the rules of compression for example they would put the main character/figure out if the centre of the painting.

The name Pre-Raphaelite came about because of Raphael who was a high Renaissance painter. The 3 artists disliked Raphael's artwork and decided to carry on painting the way which was most popular before Raphael.

The renaissance translated in French means rebirth or reborn and began in Italy. Through the Renaissance paintings began to have prospective and the paintings became staged to create compositional structure.

Charles Dickens against the Pre-Raphaelites.
This is a painting by John Millais and has in it Lizzy Siddal. This painting is called Ophelia painted 1851-2.
Lizzy sort for Elizabeth was a hat maker and was known as Ophelia because of this painting. Artists models were in these days prostitutes as they were the only people who would undress for anyone but Lizzy was not a prostitute. Also she had auburn hair which in these days people with auburn hair were associated with witchcraft.  

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