
Thursday 29 January 2015


From my research I decided to try and draw and paint my idea here are the pictures.
Personally I liked this idea and it was just a practice I would have to make this image into something not just leave it as this but I have been told that I should look into other areas because it isn't clear and isn't interesting. 
So sticking with the theme of stereo types I am going to look into what young people title others as and over exadurated certain aspects of them. For example chaves trousers down to their needs showing underpants, trainers with their socks over their trousers.

Wednesday 28 January 2015


There are definite differences in people no one person is the same but no one should be treated differently or discriminated because of this. The news doesn't help and people are to open with their opinions now than what they were. No one is perfect but no one is dramatically bad everyone is on middle ground.
I like this one it made me chuckle. Although not all girls love shoes like me for example hate shoes rather go bare footed.
I like this one as well as they are the standard imaged of male and female but with the opposite clothes over the top. You do get men and women that dress in the opposite sex and that's who they are, its inspiriting to see them dress this way.
Barbie is seen as thee idol for young girls and although it would be nice to be thin, look that good, perfect face and long hair that isn't how girls are.
Some Disney characters have been changed by some using photoshop probably. Heres ariel
Alice in wonderland
I think theres something beautiful about how these have been changed to suit a different type of people.
Thinking to start with trying to paint a woman with a mustache with a bowler hat, basically what a typical English man would wear but its a woman then probably the other way round for the man to be wearing typical English woman wear. I have searched for typical Englishmen and cartoons.
You can buy mustaches from shops and stick them to your face here are some images of this on the internet.
I will like to make a cartoon on this as I think they look better and I feel as though I could create this better than if I were to make it life like.
Now this is a moustache. 
My manager and the owner of the restaurant I work at take much pride in there moustache and we had a movement event im disappointed I have no photos but phones arnt aloud but there were many styles and men like to take pride in them so I think I should have a good styled moustache on my character.

Mind map

I've done a mind map on the subject I want to do for this project and I have chosen to do stereotypes.


Here I have tried to create something with safety pins and it doesn't work. They don't move easily therefore done flow like I'm wanting them to 

Monday 26 January 2015


when i saw lucy mcraes work i thought i could give it a go and so i found some plastic and a manikin and have melted the plastic to go around the arm. it was very difficult but if i was a little more passent it would of worked better.


Here I have put pins through fabric similar how Lucy McRae puts pins and safety pins on the human skin I have tried this as I'm not sure I'd like to be getting glue off of my skin, plus I'm thinking of a wearable piece.
I like this technique as the needles still move and they spread out yes it's sharp but it looks good.

Lucy McRae

Just found this image and thought I could create something similar put out the pins thought fabric and glue them so they stay in place 

Lucy McRae

Just come across this photo and I thought about laying someone down and glue string to shape the body but the string will drop down the sides of the person and make a cool shape I just need someone to do this. It would be a solid sculpture and wouldn't make noise which I would want It to do.

Sunday 25 January 2015

marvin gaye chetwynd

marvin gaye chetwynd is a moving sculpture artist and I have had a look at her work on The brain bug which is a masive movable peice of work that she had made that is from a film and she wanted to recreate it. It has been performed in a room in a gallery which she has painted using her own body.
I like how she has made this out of bit of material and it's not neat it's not perfectly finished but it does want she wants it to do.

Lucy Mcrae

I never thought about looking into lucy mcrae alone i only looked at bart hess but i LOVE her work. A shame i have only just come about her work.
On Lucys website '' there is a video of cotton buds attached to a human not sure where and then dye is run down them. i really like this as it different the colours also change. I am not sure how they are stuck but i really want to have a go at this.
This image i also love. the skin is paper and works well id love to try this.

Lucy and Bart

Looking at some more of their work for more inspiration 

I really like this because it looks really odd, noticeable but odd.
you can put the balloons anywhere. 
the balloons emphasis the muscles almost make her look rather male.


LOVE this video

The 1950s Notes

New bright colours
inbetween wars
American diners

over view needs to go into more detail
1940s there was a war, throught out traid ruits cut off as we are an irland (Britain) people being rashioned
cant buy supplies to design so it slowed down, industry was rashioned aswell. 1940s seramics turned into utility (to use) white ware as they were not decorated.
british sold rose decoreated pottery, design stayed the same until early post war.
restriction lifted on industry in 1952. 7 years after the war still rashioned .

50s everyone goes mad, everything is available, design is back. bright colours.

Festival of Britain 1951
central housed in London, about selling our products and showing what we can do.
by government to make british a feeling of recovery (rewrite)
1952 the corrination.

during the war women took on mens rolls. Both genders having jobs.
bombs taking out cities who made or could make things to help war. Sheffield for example with the steel works.
culture was bombed, art in dangour.
house wife very tipical, washiong cooking cleaning.

after war
housing easily thrown together.
more money so toilets brought inside.
women could get jobs, therefore home needs to be ..... (easier, jobs split)
invance in technology, electic in the home,


Will be researching

Abstract Expressionism Artists

Jackson Pollock 1912-1956        Wife is an artists and stood for his work

Jackson was the main name associated with abstract expressionism and became a figure head for this art movement. He was the first major art star. 
Jackson created paintings that involved dripping paint on a canvas either with a brush but he liked to use a stick.

In the 30s Pollock worked in the regionalist style. The definition on Wikipedia of the regionalism is 'Regionalism is an American realist modern art movement that was popular during the 1930s. The artistic focus was from artists who shunned city life, and rapidly developing technological advances, to create scenes of rural life.'
Here is a painting by Thomas Hart Benton called The Ballad of the Jealous Lover of Lone Green Valley. Thomas was the leader of this art movement.
This was one of Jackson Pollocks influences. Another influence was Diego Rivera who was a Mexican painter. Here is some of his painting.
This is called the flower seller 1942.

Between 1946 and 1951 where the years where Pollock had created his best and most famous work.
This painting is titles Eyes in The Heat 1946
This is titled Composition 1946
This is titled Autumn Rhythm 1950

wanted to express his feelings not illustrate them.

Here is a documentary about Jackson Pollok.

Mark Tobey 1890-1976
Mark is an american painter that has travel to many places in his life and has studied poetry and calligraphy in Kyoto. The Calligraphy then came about in some of his paintings and was considered an unusual contribution to the movement. White writing is the style that mark is known for and is a form of abstraction, it is where Mark paints white marks on dark or tinted canvas' or paper.
This is calligraphic in a painting. 'Calligraphic is a visual art related to writing. It is the design and the execution of the lettering with a broad tip instrument or brush'

This is called Broadway Afternoon 1950
This one is called Night Flight 1958
Mark Tobey also influenced Jackson Pollock and you can tell that their work is simular with the free flowwing lines. Marks work was first to express the pulse of new york city.

Good website for more information

Lee Krasner Wife of Jackson Pollock
Here are some of her works. Lee Krasner liked to use college, oils and paints.
This peice is untitled 1953
This is called The Civet 1962

Willem De Kooning 1904-1997
De Kooning is an american abstract expressionist who is a sculptor swell as a painter.  He paints figurative abstracts.
This is titled Two Women 1951
This is titled Woman v 1952-53
This sculpture is titled Clamdigger 1972

Robert Motherwell 1915-1991

This is titled 'Elegy to the Spanish Republic' 
This painting is titled 'Africa 1'

Barnett Newman 1905-1970
He is an american artist and his work consisted of colours and lines to seperate them he liked to call  them zips. zips either join or separate the compassion.
The title of this is 'Voice of Fire' and this image shows the scale in which Barnett works.
This painting is titled 'Moment' 1946

Barnett also has a cerise of paintings called 'Canto' and following that a number here is 1 to 3 in order.
There are more but here are just 3.