
Tuesday 31 March 2015


Here is what i have made for the cat walk Sewhat. I loved making it and it was the easiest thing i have made and i did wish that this is what i had made for my previous project, metamorphasis but if i hadnt of made what i did for that project i wouldnt of thought of this. 
This is simpally made from circles of wire with material glued to it, with a whole cut in the middle so i could put it on or get into it. the bottom 3 hoops are made the same way but are held up with elastic. I have made the top hoop elastics like suspenders (i think thats the name) where they are hucked up around youre sholders and the other 2 are attached to the top circle.
The movement of this is wonderfull and everyone loved it but wearing it just is completly different. 
Bellow is a photo of the bottom of this costum with the head of my previous work. the onlt thing that doesent work with this is that there is too much blue it needed  the orange to comeplete it and make it stand out that bit more.

Sewhat getting ready. I decided that because my head was being shown with this costume i had to make it become apart of it. i rmeebered that the alternatove miss worlds had big hair so i asked if someone could make it stand up but to one side. 
Once i ahd done my first walk my hair had flatttened and wouldnt stand up so i asked the same person if they could sort is and this is what happened, i think it looks better and bigger. 
The next problem was my face. What to do with it? My idea was to do over the top drag make up but none of my peres thought it would look right because its not a drag act, someone sugested shapes or a shape painted on my face and to be fair it doesnt look half bad.
Final touches! 
I thought about adding things into my hair to make it bigger and  we had made some springs and so they went in and they added to the look. 

Here is the video of the whole run that i had asked someone to record for me. 

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