
Monday 27 March 2017

Investigation Evaluation

While working within my own theme of Elements while my group still figure out our solid theme I have been doing is creating samples to go with the research I have been looking at and trying to find a way that they could work when introduced to wind or a fan to replicate that. My main focus has been Nick Cave and his sounds suits as I love this idea of wearing something that can change how you move and make you into something new. I have used many different types of materials to replicate the coloured layers of a suit I tried Balloons, shreds of fabric, ribbon from a workshop I attended and cuts of wool. All of these were either glues to paper or to get a more solid idea that would work i tried tying the ribbon and wool to the ring binder of my sketchbook or ribbon or later on netting. The best one was the netting as I could create a structure from the net to tie fabric to, it was just a little time consuming. 
To go with the theme movement I decided to try and draw out how each element moved so that if I wanted to I could look at different ways to move my sculpture or item of clothing, currently I’m not sure what my final piece will be.
I then started to think about maybe sewing ribbon onto an old shirt. This would give me a solid base, already made so would take me less time and as it was an idea that was great. I decided that I didn’t want to colour code the ribbon as I had many different colours and sizes. Just for an idea I didn’t see it relevant plus I like the mix and match in my sample.  As I started sewing I doubled over the ribbon so you couldn’t see the stitch, after a while I started to run out of some of the colours and I needed to buy more. I found out that this is going to be a costly experiment and needed to rethink my approach to this idea. As I have been doubling up the ribbon I thought to cut off the under layer of ribbon so I have twice as much and it started to work.
I still need to finish my T-Shirt idea and test it out with a fan. I could hang this shirt on a hanger and let a fan move the ribbon and shirt or, I could take it to the beach and wear it. I could also try and make a solid sculpture, just a random shape, and add strips of material to do something similar to the shirt.

In all this time I have met with my group once to discussed ideas and only myself and Frankie attended, Jennifer and Lauren were excused and James didn’t attend. We discussed a possible trip over the holiday to get more ideas. 

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