
Tuesday 20 March 2018

Mini Workshop

So i have been set the task of setting up a 10 minute workshop to give to half the class. my immediate thoughts were my practice and fabrics. This is my plan
I actually forgot about this and started panicking. I was at home with nothing prepared, the weather was shocking and my nervous were increasing. I wrote  " Im so nervous about tomorrows 10 minute workshop, i know im not very prepared but i know what im doing. Its so unpredictable what people will say and do. Ill have to be on my toes but i feel i need more to do. I dont think it will take 10 minutes."

That night i didn't sleep very well so i think next time i shall prep more and do it with more than a day to go. I did not make the whole day with traffic but had sent an email to the tutors explaining the situation and i had thought of how i could still teach the lesson without being there but it wasn't possible without the equipment. Things happen out of my control with i do need to take into account looking into the future. Have a back up, in this case i would have needed to have a power point to send in about something similar but it would not have been the same. 

I have now run my idea past a couple of peers in my Interactive Art class and feel better about the idea but the nerves will still be there when it comes to presenting.

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