
Tuesday 13 March 2018


In one of Jack Ma's videos at the World Economic Forum in 2018 he spoke about his views about the current economy and his views for the future. One thing that stuck with me was what he said about education. He said that education need a big change, the way we teach our children is all knowledge basic and we cannot compete with the machine they can do that better. He says children should be tough sports, music, painting and art.
I agree that things need to change, education cannot be something we resight, it has to be something that we will learn and will stay with us through out lives.

The next video is Ken Robbinson talking on the subject of do school kill creativity. One thing that stuck with me on this is he said "all children are born artists, we are educated out of it."
I feel that this is so true. The education process values have changed they only want children concentrating on "academic" subjects. This is just so wrong, in most "acedemic" subjects children are not given the freedom to explore in the same way creative subjects allow you to. For example maths and english have a little creativity in the way to solve the problem or right a story but there are always restrictions, science id say is most creative however not as creative as the arts.  The arts you are able to really express what you are and what in may media's with minimal restrictions.

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