
Sunday 8 February 2015

the bauhaus house

-In 1919 the Bauhaus was founded by Walter Gropius in Germany Weimer.
-1922 Van Doesberg taught at the Bauhaus and reflected the simplisity and functualism of much of the bauhaus' output after he taught his course.
- The house moved to Dessau, Germany into a new purpose built home that refleccted the bauhaus values.
-1926 the building of the bauhaus was complete
-1927 an architecutre department opened
-A year later 1928 Walter Gropius resigned after 9 years. The Nazi movement was putting political pressure and scrutiny onto the house but in Gropius' place was Hanneys Meyer.
-1929 a photography department opened
-1930 After 2 years  Hanneys Meyer was dismissed because he was a sociallist and brang politics into the house and created a haven for comminism. Ludwig Mies van der Rohe took his place and tried to bring the Bauhaus back to the basics principles.
- 1932 The Bauhaus in dessau clossed by Dessau's parliment and moved to Berlin
- 1933 The bauhaus closes for good because of the Nazi's acclaming them to be communists.

The Bauhaus lasted for only fourteen years,

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