
Tuesday 31 March 2015


Here is what i have made for the cat walk Sewhat. I loved making it and it was the easiest thing i have made and i did wish that this is what i had made for my previous project, metamorphasis but if i hadnt of made what i did for that project i wouldnt of thought of this. 
This is simpally made from circles of wire with material glued to it, with a whole cut in the middle so i could put it on or get into it. the bottom 3 hoops are made the same way but are held up with elastic. I have made the top hoop elastics like suspenders (i think thats the name) where they are hucked up around youre sholders and the other 2 are attached to the top circle.
The movement of this is wonderfull and everyone loved it but wearing it just is completly different. 
Bellow is a photo of the bottom of this costum with the head of my previous work. the onlt thing that doesent work with this is that there is too much blue it needed  the orange to comeplete it and make it stand out that bit more.

Sewhat getting ready. I decided that because my head was being shown with this costume i had to make it become apart of it. i rmeebered that the alternatove miss worlds had big hair so i asked if someone could make it stand up but to one side. 
Once i ahd done my first walk my hair had flatttened and wouldnt stand up so i asked the same person if they could sort is and this is what happened, i think it looks better and bigger. 
The next problem was my face. What to do with it? My idea was to do over the top drag make up but none of my peres thought it would look right because its not a drag act, someone sugested shapes or a shape painted on my face and to be fair it doesnt look half bad.
Final touches! 
I thought about adding things into my hair to make it bigger and  we had made some springs and so they went in and they added to the look. 

Here is the video of the whole run that i had asked someone to record for me. 

Revisiting the 1920s


2 manifestos one made in 1924 and the other in 1927 both created by breto 

Dada was an influence for surrealism 

Surrealism was first mentioned in 1917 

A video called les mamelles de Tiresias (the breasts of Tiresias) is where the name surrealism first came about, the birth of surrealism.
A man okayign a woman with boobs.

20th century art was taking the mess about boobs and arses 

International Paris exhibition 
16 miles of string - marcel Duchamp 1942

Marcel Duchamp sacks of coal suspendered from the ceiling 1938 
Marcel Duchamp bubbles 

Vladimir mush - a surrealist artists who creates work now but it out dated that time has passed what relevance has it now? 

design ideas

i have hand drawn some designs that i could out on some t shirts and here i have put them into photo shop then on illustrator i have added them to a t shirt template. from a distance i like them but I'm still not sure. i think i need to draw out some more ideas and then try doing this again. out of the 2 i have here i like the 2 toned bunny ones either of them. 

Monday 30 March 2015

tablet drawing

Doodling on my tablet I created this little penguin and I have decided I wanted to try and use this image as  a t-shirt design.

Sunday 29 March 2015

Logo ideas

on my tablet i have tried out different ways of writing wire line or line wire, either the full names or the 1st letter of each here are some of them. 

Saturday 28 March 2015


when i was thinking about my logo i stumbled across these on the internet and thought that if i could create something simular but not as complicated it would work really well 

Tuesday 17 March 2015

water colour paiantings

i decided i wanted to try and paint an idea i had but i could only find my watercolour's so i put into google watercolour paintings and it came up with these and some simular to this.
i really like how they all drip so i am going to try encoprerate that into my painting using watercolour


some or most people hate seeing other people hugging or kissing in public so i had the thought of having 2 people hugging or kissing in public and it having a sensored sign over it.

its kind of no one can feel emotion in public, so i could do the same with smiling, frowning ect.


Sunday 15 March 2015


once i had figured out what it was i wanted to do which was create an image with one continous line i thought about using a famous image or city and thought of london and new york. Here are the images i used:
And here are the images i created from them:


T-Shirt ideas
found this website on my saved pages and the lamps look really good and made me thing that i could use something simular or even create some t-shirts from these images.

The 60s

Pop art - still sexist which comes from the 50s

Look on nnc website - watch the films 
Find out relevant information 

Very busy period 
Lots of ideas that started in the 50s carried onto the 60s 
Positive waves of the 50s carried over for a short time till the mid 60s 
60s not what it is portrait as 

College is back 
Richard Hamilton - just what is it that makes todays home so appealing, so different 

what is so appealing? real to real tape recorder, food on the table, wife home, ford (modern transport), little comment about the cleaner (better technology), a television showing someone on the phone, mr universe and joe bare (glamour), the moon is above, space race who will land on the mood first.

the late 50s hamiltion produced this work and in the 90s was asked to remake this art work but for the 90s
in this photo pop is written on the lolly pop and many people think that is where the name pop art comes from or thats where it gets its name from.


British pop art
started around the same time as pop art in america and ran parrell, one differs from the other but not clear as to who started first.

the video called pop goes the easel (its staged)
peter blake - dream state about bridget bar do
usually entertainers, does a wall or a door, focused on the popular people/celebraties.
likes to put a record with the college as it brings it to life for example the video shows the one with elvis 

This is a college by Peter Blake and Jann Haworth called sgt. pepper's lonely hearts club.
there has ben a remake of this 

youngest peter phillips - from birmingham 

pauline - 

derek bosure - from porthsmorth 
these 4 were a group of artists in britain which liked to hang around together.
the video shows the artists to be fun and enjoying themselves. 

look at Jann Haworth

david hockney is in the video dancing with all the other artists having fun.

Alan Jones - british 
chair, hat stand, table
royal academe exabihtion 
rather sexist house old objects with half naked women, half naked women as house old objects 
watch a youtube video of it 
he had an oputunity to to work with a film maker and he wanted to use his sulptures but alans response was there not movie props but it was worked out and he created props for the film. (the clock book orange)

Starting contextual

Getting to know what we want to do

Interview elicia
Don't want it to seem like a hobby in the future 
Going to have a outcome and it's going to stay around for a while
Shapes, angles (maths side) 
Likes planning good at it, likes designing
Not sure on areas, Bauhaus is everything mixed together 
Don't think she would like to sit at a computer all day, magazine design ect, it would be boring.  Not 24/7, would need to move. 

Don't want it to seem like a hobby in the future 
Take it into teachers
Self employed art teacher, schools get me to go in and teach
3D over 2D 
Bright and out there, fed up of dull
No computers - boring, don't have much control over doing everything, there are restrictions 
Want to be doing something all the time, 

Mind map

So that we can all decide what we want to do and where to go with the installation and my ideas. I have decided to stick with the feelings idea with trying to make someone feel a certain emotion so I'm going to have to research into what makes you feel what, different smells ect.