
Wednesday 22 October 2014

Final Poster

Here are my 2 final design posters.

Poster designs

Once i had taken the photos and photo hopped them i have created some posters. I do however need to add some information to the bottom of the posters to finish them off.

 With this poster i have used  a background image to the fruit and I'm not too sure on it as there are too many colours in the image so i am deciding to not use a background image on the images of the fruit. I therefore took the background image off and re adjusted the image and text on the page and this is what i have come up with.
 I then got some other fruit and took some different photos and photoshopped them and there is another poster.
I have now added and effect onto the images called poster edge which had worked for the image with the pepper on but not with the apple. I now need to look at the spacing of the posters and add the texts.


To create a poster for the medical room i have taken some photos of fruit and veg to then photoshop them to use for a poster.
The 2 images above are the original images. 
Here i have taken the white background off the image so i only have the fruit. after i changed the levels, curves and added and took away colour using selective colour so it wasn't as dull.
Here i have done the same thing with the levels, curves and selective colour.

Then i added an effect called poster edges and i rely like this effect. These are the images i will be using on my posters

Monday 20 October 2014


Pre-Raphaelite is a group of 3 people who are made up of painters and a writer. The names of the artists are Sir John Everett Millais, Dante Gabriel Rossetti and William Holman Hunt. These 3 artists created paintings that broke the rules of compression for example they would put the main character/figure out if the centre of the painting.

The name Pre-Raphaelite came about because of Raphael who was a high Renaissance painter. The 3 artists disliked Raphael's artwork and decided to carry on painting the way which was most popular before Raphael.

The renaissance translated in French means rebirth or reborn and began in Italy. Through the Renaissance paintings began to have prospective and the paintings became staged to create compositional structure.

Charles Dickens against the Pre-Raphaelites.
This is a painting by John Millais and has in it Lizzy Siddal. This painting is called Ophelia painted 1851-2.
Lizzy sort for Elizabeth was a hat maker and was known as Ophelia because of this painting. Artists models were in these days prostitutes as they were the only people who would undress for anyone but Lizzy was not a prostitute. Also she had auburn hair which in these days people with auburn hair were associated with witchcraft.  

Wednesday 15 October 2014

Surealisum artists

Joan Miro
Joan create painting and sculptures automatically instead of thinking and planning he just does something, it isn't perfect its just like a squiggle made into something. Automatic painting and sculpting is like a direct link from your subconscious to your hand to paper.

Woman bird by moonlight 1949

Personnages Devant la mer: Figures by the sea 1934

Here are some of his sculptures


Salvador Dali
Personally i like Dali's work as it gives you a look into his mind and non of it is real but how he draws it makes it possible as you are able to see it with your own eyes. Dali was one of the most famous men in the 20th century and many people like his odd personality, showmanship and mustashe.
His paintings come from dreams and the way he paints them with the crutches holding them up makes them look unstable.
Here are some of his paintings.

The burning giraffe 1936 37


This painting is an attempt to put the dream world onto a canvas and what inspired by Freudians theme world of dreams. The disfigured head is held up with what looks like crutches and if they were moved then the head would fall out of the state it was in.

Kurt schwitters 1887 1948.  
Kurt creates automatic collage.

Das undbild (the and-picture) 1919

Merz 231 miss Blanche 1923

Didnt work

I thought to my self i could create a 3 d hand using shaped card and slotting them together but i was struggling. i didn't make a paper version which would of helped me. i got this far them decided to go back to paper to figure out how to create something. i also found out that cutting something with a lot of curves is very difficult on grey board with a craft knife.

Final design

After looking at the spacing and adding some bits of information at the bottom of the poster i have finally come up with my 2 designs.

With this poster i feel as though my imagery could of been stronger as when the image was scanned in it became rather pixelated the only way i could change this is to redraw the image. I do however like the image.
Over all i like my final out comes.

Tuesday 14 October 2014

possible final design

Here are my designs for the construction posters i have used my own imagery, i have photographed the shoes and i have drawn the cigarette 

I need to add information about what it is i am warning them about with a fact. This means i need to rethink my spacing and double check that everything is the same on each poster. maybe re jig things.

imagery for poster no smoking

For my no smoking poster i have drawn out a lit cigarette creating the circle with the ling though but i have been told that this is hard the see but i think that it is a good idea.  

To change this so that it will fit into my poster i have to edit it on photoshop. I have cropped out the image so that it is just the smoke and the cigarette using the ....... tool. then i went on mode and grey scale to make the image black and white (more so than in the drawing). I where then to apply a filter called fresco but this didn't allow me to create the image so i decided not to use it. Then i went back onto mode and changed it to duo tone and selected back and yellow which made m image these 2 colours. So that i could then add or take away colours from the image i changed the duo tone to RGB then went onto select colour to make the yellow more pronounced. Finally i went onto curves and changed the tones. This is what i have come up with.

Tuesday 7 October 2014

Wednesday 1 October 2014


Once i had created a character with images off of the internet i remembered that using imagers from the internet was copy right but also the different images will/may of been changed or had different effects. Therefore i went into the 3D studio and collected some things that i used in my first character so that i could take the photos and create my character with my own imagery. Here is what i have come up with;
the only thing i dislike about this is the goggles as they seem to be too dark but over all it is similar to my original one made with images off of the internet so I'm happy with this.
Here is my character on the poster i put the original one on;
I do like the other one better though was it is brighter.