
Tuesday 28 March 2017


Along side taking photos from when i was at the beach i wanted to see how my t-shirt was in the wind as i am thinking of using fans to mimic the wind. It wasnt that windy but my best video is this one, i was very happy when the ribbon started to move.

We also noticed that the wet sand moved under our feet and you could see the sand get lighter. 

Sea Side Trip

A spontaneous trip to the beach to see if i could get something that would link the work i had done with the groups theme of coasts as i was doing elements originally. I walked past the shipping yard and took some photos and here's what i took.

 By far i LOVE how his image turned out! It has made me tempted to try out photography for this project as this was only took on my phone i still believe this is an amazing image.

Monday 27 March 2017

Investigation Evaluation

While working within my own theme of Elements while my group still figure out our solid theme I have been doing is creating samples to go with the research I have been looking at and trying to find a way that they could work when introduced to wind or a fan to replicate that. My main focus has been Nick Cave and his sounds suits as I love this idea of wearing something that can change how you move and make you into something new. I have used many different types of materials to replicate the coloured layers of a suit I tried Balloons, shreds of fabric, ribbon from a workshop I attended and cuts of wool. All of these were either glues to paper or to get a more solid idea that would work i tried tying the ribbon and wool to the ring binder of my sketchbook or ribbon or later on netting. The best one was the netting as I could create a structure from the net to tie fabric to, it was just a little time consuming. 
To go with the theme movement I decided to try and draw out how each element moved so that if I wanted to I could look at different ways to move my sculpture or item of clothing, currently I’m not sure what my final piece will be.
I then started to think about maybe sewing ribbon onto an old shirt. This would give me a solid base, already made so would take me less time and as it was an idea that was great. I decided that I didn’t want to colour code the ribbon as I had many different colours and sizes. Just for an idea I didn’t see it relevant plus I like the mix and match in my sample.  As I started sewing I doubled over the ribbon so you couldn’t see the stitch, after a while I started to run out of some of the colours and I needed to buy more. I found out that this is going to be a costly experiment and needed to rethink my approach to this idea. As I have been doubling up the ribbon I thought to cut off the under layer of ribbon so I have twice as much and it started to work.
I still need to finish my T-Shirt idea and test it out with a fan. I could hang this shirt on a hanger and let a fan move the ribbon and shirt or, I could take it to the beach and wear it. I could also try and make a solid sculpture, just a random shape, and add strips of material to do something similar to the shirt.

In all this time I have met with my group once to discussed ideas and only myself and Frankie attended, Jennifer and Lauren were excused and James didn’t attend. We discussed a possible trip over the holiday to get more ideas. 

Thursday 23 March 2017

T-Shirt Experiment

From the research I  have done from Nick Cave's work I have decided to try and create something similar and here's my progress so far.
I have been using ribbon as we have a lot of it from a previous workshop and have been sewing then onto the shirt to , I then realised that I didn't have enough and bought some more and I found out that the is going to be a costly experiment.
As I have been doubling up the ribbon I have thought to cut off the under layer of ribbon so I have twice as much.
Here is a video of the T-Shirt before I decide to cut off the ribbon.
I really like the movement of this so far just I really want to have the full shirt covered so I best get finding some cheap ribbon.
What I didn't expect was the sound which shows up so well on the video.

Wednesday 22 March 2017


These images are of my sketchbook work from the start of this project till today.

Friday 17 March 2017


Whilst i was looking through facebook and instagram i have found some links that may help me with my research and ideas.
I like how this is moved by the wind and its given me the idea of making something that isn't moved by a human so it would have no human element in it.

With this one i love the movement of this piece, and the simplicity of the object. 

Wednesday 15 March 2017

Research Evaluation

To begin this project I looking into Nick Cave and his Sound Suits. I started here because I have previously looked into his work before and it goes well with the title of this unit that is 'Creativity in Motion'. I really like the idea of creating a costume that moves and creates sounds, we are with fashion students as well so it could work well with what they make. From Cave's videos on YouTube, I found myself on a different channel called 'Brilliant Ideas'. The channel talks about and to different artists. This led me to the performance artist Marina Abramovic she is seen as the mother of performance art. Her work does not relate to the project directly but performance I feel will play a big part of my individual project. 

I also had a look on Google for movement artists and I found Heather Hansen. She works with her body and creates huge drawings on paper using charcoal. These drawings are also her performances which links with Marina's work. I like the use of her body to create these pieces of work and how each move is recorded in the charcoal on the paper.

I have also been looking though Instagram to see if there is anything that links to the unit title and found a great video that is linked in a previous post. This has had me thinking about not making a costume or item of clothing but instead something that actually moves in the exhibition for example a sculpture with loose fabric that moves, this will need to be moved by something however. This would make my work stand out instead of just having a video on a screen or a garment on a wall.

Still to this day, our group cannot come up with a theme that everyone can agree on, we have met 3 times with the odd person missing and have had a group presentation to talk about our ideas and our theme, it was to 3 other groups and the tutors. From this, what everyone in the group was aiming towards was waves, and the feedback was good. What I had looked at was wind and fans therefore I suggested the theme 'Elements' which fitted everyone ideas. This however has been changed as it is too broad, the new suggestions are sea side towns and arcades which leaves myself and Frankie the task of trying to get the group to consider our ideas as they don't fit into these current themes. This is what I am finding the hardest as my ideas, thoughts do not seem to have be taken into consideration.

With the theme not being set yet, I have not been able to do my specific research to connect the whole group. Therefore, I have just looked at movement as a whole hoping that it will fit in when we decide on a permanent theme. I am also going to carry out more in depth research into other ideas as I go through the project.

Monday 13 March 2017

Heather Hansen

Instagram Research

So as I have been looking though my Instagram and have found some artists work that relates to motion and movement which I quite like. The links should take you to the right pages.
This one I love how this artist has taken something as an individual and so fun and has created multiple sections and attached them! a fan would also help make motion and movement in anything better!
Also to have something in the end show actually in motion throughout instead of having it filmed or the outcome on a pedestal would just make the show more exciting.

An idea that I had was balloons in a room just being blown around by fans, no human interaction.

Friday 10 March 2017

Just WAW


So today i went into Paper Chase for my free coffee and hung in a corner was this circular shapes which i thought would go well with this project of movement and they looked so delicate.

Erin then told me that they were paper pom poms and i wanted to make one, here's how to do so.

Brilliant Ideas - Kimsooja

Eadweard Muybridge

The way that Eadweard shows movement is interesting. He uses a trip wire which tells the camera to take a photo and these are set up along the area where the movement is going to take place. The images come out so well and i feel like this may work well in either my own work or for the 2 minute film.

I also like the layout of the images. He also overlaps the images which give a good effect i would like to try both of these methods.


I am going to first look into Nick Cave as I have looked and really enjoyed his work before, so I feel like this would be a good starting point.

This is a video of nick cave talking about his sound suits and how he came about making them.
He doesn't sketch, the object provoked the idea.
He moves the object around the body till it has found the right place.
The object identified within the piece.
He's a dancer and works with performers.
 'The suits came into being from what cave saw as Injustices in cases of racial profiling. the demeaning of people and of how they look'
His work just makes me happy watching it and I want to join in or create something that is as equally fun and playful!
While searching for nick cave on YouTube I can across 'Brilliant Ideas' what seems to be a channel about artists. I could watch them see if I can find anything useful.

Tuesday 7 March 2017


  1. 1.
    the action or process of moving or being moved.
    "the laws of planetary motion"
    synonyms:movement, moving, locomotion, rise and fall, shifting, stirring, to and fro, toing and froing, coming and going; More
  2. 2.
    a formal proposal put to a legislature or committee.
    "opposition parties tabled a no-confidence motion"
    synonyms:proposal, proposition, submission, recommendation, suggestion
    "the motion failed to obtain an absolute majority in the Assembly"
  1. 1.
    direct or command (someone) with a movement of the hand or head.
    "he motions her towards the lift"
    synonyms:gesture, gesticulate, signal, sign, direct, indicate; More

Monday 6 March 2017

Launch - Creativity in Motion

The project title is Creativity In Motion.
We are grouped with 2 fashion students and 1 fashion art direction student and myself and Frankie from my course. I am feeling optimistic about this project. I have a lot of ideas already and artists I have looked into before.

I have to develop a piece of work to do with motion and as a group we have to come up with a sub theme so that our groups work relates.

As a group we have to collaborate and create a 2 minute film, an A3 poster and a project summary. Individually I have to create a blog, evaluate each key point, a digital portfolio and create my final piece.