
Sunday 22 February 2015

Final peice

After my playful and rather fun lesson i decided that i was going to use the caterpillar like thing for my sculpture final peice. What i needed to do was add colour and create something. Here i have found some bright material and sewn it to the wodding but only the sides as you can see the wodding coming through the top. I have also added a blue bit of material this is so i can see how it would look if i were to try and have it so this peice looked like to was bursting out in places. This links to metamorphasis as it is like a catapillar changing into something else. 
The next few photos are of this but with more added to it with bright colours to make it stand out and ive added bottle tops to it aswell as i am thinking of putting the bottle tops on strings on to make the sound.
I love the colours and how it gives the efect of it bursting out even though i havnt wrapped myself up in the elastic.
Once i was happy with this i relised i needed to make a hat for this but wasnt sure what shape to make it, to have a point on the end or have a cilinder top. 
I started off with making a square out of material and thinking of how i could make it so it didnt just flow. I though about putting wire around the edges and try putting it on my head this is what happened.
I really liked the shape of the squaare with presure in the middle of it but i didnt like how it covered my face and i couldnt see so i thought of putting it on my shoulders as i needed this hat to cover my head but also the top of the sculpure. This worked and looked really good and its enhanced the shape of the sqare.
I just needed to make something that covered my face that could be attached to this some how and i needed to be able to see thought it.
So i thought wire would be strong enought to hold itself up and i could easily attatch it to the baise. Here are the too together. 
I started to think that these 2 peices looked like they could be 2 different peices rather than the same because of the colour difference. Putting that problem/thought aside i decided to concour the problem of me being about to see throught this but for people to look at the costume/scultpure. With some help i managed to find a range of materials that could do the job but i found best a black linning material i then found some scrap peices of netting which is easy to see through and added them to this. It looks like its just burst out the top and is running down the scultpure. 
Still thinking it looked like a seperate peice i decided to but some pink into the top of the sculpture and some of the netting into the peice wrapped around me so it blended in a bit more. Here is the final peice.
My only problem now is i cant walk up staires and this should be going down a fashion show that the college does each year and there are steps i am to walk up to get to it.

Wednesday 11 February 2015

Research artists

Françoise Nielly

Henri Lamy
Ive just seen this image and i love it the composition and colours. 

artists research

this is some of Jenny saville's work which i really like. I like the rarw colours and how it picks out each colour in the skin tones.

Lucian freud paints in a simular style to this. 

Ive have just stumbled on nick lepard here are some images of his work.

I like all these styles of painting as there very expressive.


These are to help with my next painting 
This is a video i have found on youtube which i think is rather funny and is slightly accurate. Althought not all chavs wear burberry anymore.

Tuesday 10 February 2015

Presentations on the 50s

My blog presentation personal feedback;
I was really nervous and could of stopped swivelling on my chair. I could of spoken in a better voices I feel I always talk odd or in a weird voice. I new most of my my research but I did keep looking at the board for references. 
Peer feedback;
It's was good and I was loud
Kept spinning was annoying, kept forgetting what I was saying
Kept trying to get eye contact which was a good thing
More detail on other artists 
Slow down with the scrolling 
Read up on lee krashner more 

Talk about what people have out on blogs 


Stacey's blog - costume and special effects my feedback 
Creatures from the black lagoon, good there's a video as most people don't know or see the film 
Mixture of looking at the board and looking away, more read from the board towards the end 
If struggling to read black and white change the colour of the blog? 


Melanie's blog - illustration my feedback
Eye contact 
Knows what she is talking about 
Lots of good meaningful information 
Not reading from the board just picking up the odd word 
A lot of artists 
Started reading off the board towards the end 


Beckys presentation - media / recordings my feedback
Know what she is talking about because she's not reading from the board but is looking at it 
Ingage with the people who you're presenting to 
Maybe play the videos not just talk about them 

Monday 9 February 2015


Listening to kim another student talk about her idea of disorders i have thought about emotions and trying to get the viewer to feel an emotion with either colour and words or just colour or a spastic object for example fire makes people warmer apparently. But that has just come from me listening to her ideas but i think it would be a good idea to do.

Sunday 8 February 2015

the bauhaus house

-In 1919 the Bauhaus was founded by Walter Gropius in Germany Weimer.
-1922 Van Doesberg taught at the Bauhaus and reflected the simplisity and functualism of much of the bauhaus' output after he taught his course.
- The house moved to Dessau, Germany into a new purpose built home that refleccted the bauhaus values.
-1926 the building of the bauhaus was complete
-1927 an architecutre department opened
-A year later 1928 Walter Gropius resigned after 9 years. The Nazi movement was putting political pressure and scrutiny onto the house but in Gropius' place was Hanneys Meyer.
-1929 a photography department opened
-1930 After 2 years  Hanneys Meyer was dismissed because he was a sociallist and brang politics into the house and created a haven for comminism. Ludwig Mies van der Rohe took his place and tried to bring the Bauhaus back to the basics principles.
- 1932 The Bauhaus in dessau clossed by Dessau's parliment and moved to Berlin
- 1933 The bauhaus closes for good because of the Nazi's acclaming them to be communists.

The Bauhaus lasted for only fourteen years,


As i was a little stuck with my work i went and had a play with a little help from students and tutor as you shall see.
I have got one of the students to take some videos of what it was i was doing as i couldn't of done it myself. I really enjoyed doing this and think i would like to use these in my final piece, just make them better and more or less practical.
To start i got the last few bags and put them together with some balloons inside and i liked how they looked i just needed more and more colours to make something from that idea.
What made me do this was an image I found from the Internet, 
I really liked this but thought that the bags would deflate if I were to make something now for the show so I thought about balloons instead this is the outcome with minimal bags.
I then found a huge bag that some of the materials come in for college and got in it. This was fun and rather hilarious. This is where the videos come in some of them have in them bits of what i could do next or things i would need to think about if i were to make them.
Here i am just spinning around on a chair while sat in the bag. I then tried to move in it but found the bag was going under the wheels if i moved using my feet or if i where to be pushed. I thought of tying the bag up above the wheels but i then couldnt touch the floor so how would  i move? someone pushed me but i then thought of my own movement. This video shows that.
As you can here my tutor say its going to take far too long to move a great distance if i were to move like this everywhere plus it was tiring. What i like about this is where the bag is freying around the top althought it is irritating when its in your face. I then got given sticks to try and move but all i kept doing then was turning and i couldnt get it to work. But the sticks do add to the peice of work, they make it look interesting. Here is the photo I liked that makes me think this. 

I was then asked what about the noise because this didnt make much of it so i said i could create my own. This is what i came up with.
Instead of me saying what i wanted or what ever noise came out my mouth i thought i could record it and have it playing on a constant loop.
I then decided it was time to change material. so i decided to go to wadding. I wrapped myself up up in about 3 or 4 layers (bad idea) and kim and jordan wraped elastic round me and then to make noise tied the bottle tops and string onto the elastic.

Realising that the bottle tops made a noise they then added more and off i went.

I then got given a hat as i needed something on my head to cover me up completly. Heres a photo from the side which looks hilarious. 
Once i had had enough of this idea i then decided to take off the bottle lids and lay on the flood and try move like that. Already really warm and laughing this is what happened.
Once i had been unwrapped i decided i really liked these ideas and im currently thinking on how bonkers and mad i can make them but with sound included.


did some research into unique recycled dresses for my can dress and found these.
I dont like how they have flat cans i want them rounded still.
Never thought about doing this. Looks easy but not the effect i am wanting.
There are some really weird ones well what there made from anyway.

notes need sorting

Needs changing as copied
To do / Get

Natziz and artists around the time or war.. information

inbetween wars 1 and 2 were artists

modernism (blunt was of describing this eara ofr art at this time)

artists were fleing by the time of the war as they were being (hunted?)
their work had been created and had been shown in an exhibition (degenerate) by the natzies so they they could be ridicukled by the public.

degenerate are has been used generenally to design art perceived as signifying decay.

exhibitions staged in the 1930s

things seemed to be jewish art were NOT the norm.

Aimed particualy at expressionists

70 paintings orded to be removed from a permant exhibition of the scholossmuseum weimar.

More information on this sight
find some photos

freedom of art, artists expressing their own thoughts. this wasn't allowed and was seen as wrong. hence why this art was up in an exhibition to show this was wrong and make people see what was wrong.

Natzies when presenting the art hung painting in unusal places, hung them at wrong angles. hung paintings of distorted faces next to disabitlity to show how bad this was (almost like the artist has created something similar).

attacts the state or abstracts the human form - hitlar didn't agree / didn't like this.

accedemics, thinkers, people who questioned or would of questioned what was happening had to flee.
find some artists and some of their work at the times that they would of fled.

Whats happening now/today

jasmine ghafur                google him / BlogSpot
curdish artist  where is curdish
came over in 1988??
work abut displacement   look at his background

there are still people fleeing today take jasmine ghafur

bob and reberta smith      will be on the news
- brother and sister
- work from text
- children need to be creative, art needs to be in the curriculum - what bob believes

Saturday 7 February 2015

karla black

karla black is an artist I looked at as I have gotten very stuck with my project and it made me feel like I should just through plastic bags over me or get big peices of material and run around with it on almost like it was a dovet cover on a washing line and you had just been caught up in it trying to get out.
Here are some photos of her work
This peice looks soo eligent 

Monday 2 February 2015


As a group we desided that we wanted to get messy and create some videos from the research we had.
Here are the videos that i have edited.


I have tried creating some videos of a mini explosion but it didnt work. I tried multipul of times to get it right but wasnt happening i was disapinted but i think i am going to try again.