
Wednesday 29 April 2015


I have decided to create a maze at home using wire and I am going to attempt to video me and my family moving around In this. I have purposefully placed it in the living room on which we all spend most of our time or the room walked through most. It disrupts the normal what will people do? Find easiest way through? Go the same way each time? Here is the living room before
Here is the living room after 
I do admit this does not look like a lot but I personally think that will do.
I have videoed myself walking round the room, the easiest why I think. I have to wait a while for my ,I'm dad and sister to get in but I will upload their reaction and how they manage it laster.

This is my current view, this maze also gets in the way of the tele.

Monday 27 April 2015


Here I am drawing with pencils attached to my fingers and feet. This idea came from Rebecca horn which I thought was interesting and wanted to give it a go. No image is the same, all mark are different. 


I am looking at this book to help me start my FMP and there are a few things I like.
On page 17 there is this image (below) which I really like. The title is la bruja (the witch). I like how this peice of work is across the floor and involes string which is something I am thinking of using for some of my experimentations.
Another image I like the an image on page 35 called volátil (volatile). 1980-1994. What I like about this is that this looks smaller than a normal room and is lit by one candle in the distance. I also like how there are footprints in the ash. It's almost like you are looking at someone is a desert with a flare calling for help.
This work is biased on the element of danger. 
One page 67 this image interested me as there are tights or what to me look like tights hanging from the coeling, penny's on the floor and something connecting the 2. I like the scale but I would personally like to feel the tights I would have then lower down.
To create this there were coins, communion wafers and bones. This is called (how to build cathedral).
On pages 74 and 75 there is this image and I like this one to go with the previous image as these measuring tapes are hung from the ceoling and so are the tights. I could combine them? 
This is called Fontes (fountains/sources) and contained clocks, carpenters rulers, black numerical labels and a sounds track. 

Rebecca Horn

Page 45

Page 96&97 

Page 112

Here are some pages i liked from Rebecca's book. i liked how playfull her work or this work is. she i spart of it and i would love to have a go at this.

Sunday 26 April 2015

Explaining idea

Wool mase
I have the idea to use string/wool to create a mase in which people have to get through as I don't have much time at college I have decided to ask my parents and sister if I could try it at home! :) excited. 
The only thing is where to do it? Kitchen I can't because of the safety with fire, I understand there is a safety problem but my parents have said I am fine to do this. 
I have thought about filming this so I can see what goes off when I'm not there and then I can watch the video over and over to see if the same person took the same path or choose a different one. 

Car outing

To start my fmp I decided as mope and my sister were about to go to macdonals I thought I'd ask if I could film it. But I made sure she had no make up on and then ask if she would wear a onsie. My sister is on to not leave her room let alone the house with out make up so this would be good to make her feel uncomfortable but so she wasn't on her own I did the same. Here are my videos:

Watching these back is quite embarasing but this last one is me and my sister relaxed singing along. After a while you forget it is there but to start with its odd.
I do need to rethink our dress and maybe think about face paint as no one actully found us odd or give us funny looks.

Design change

I am wanting my designs printed professionally  so i have taken them to a local shop and they have turned around and said that my designs may break the cutting out equipment so i have had to re draw them. I have also had to move my rabbit designs so that they can print them.

Wednesday 22 April 2015

Concept sheets

Completed Designs 22 april 2015




BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma in Art and Design



Student Name
Emma Betts
Subject Specialism
Fine Art
Working title or theme
Adobe SystemsBreak Free




Your proposal must provide an outline brief of your Final Major Project (FMP). The brief will normally be of your own choosing.
Prepare your proposal carefully, referring to the guidance in each section below. The guidance should be seen as a prompt and not be regarded as being prescriptive.
The proposal must be a minimum of 300 and must not exceed 500 words (excluding the APPENDIX). Each section, One to Four, has a guide to the number of words to best structure your proposal to meet the grading criteria for unit 6.  You are reminded that the bibliography and timescale should be included in the APPENDIX and will not be included in the overall word count.
Remember, unit 6 is a double unit, therefore you must ensure your proposal has the breadth to enable you to produce work that quantifies this.
Your FMP proposal must be word processed
Your proposal must be no less than 300 words and be no more than 500 words.


The title of my project so far is ‘Break Free’ and I will be working toward creating an instillation that is playful and interactive. This relates to childhood and how playful they are as adults are restricted. As I am looking to go into fine art this project will allow me to create different individual experiments and allow me to play around with different techniques to create the same effect or end product. This also allows me to become a child again and experience things in a different mind-set and try to become a different individual for my work.

Some of the artists I could look at are Duchamp, surrealism artists in the 30’s and Bart Hess as I liked his work in a previous project. These are relevant because Duchamp has made some playfull pieces and some have been to distrupt spaces, the surrealists created weird and wakey and I like their pieces and bart hess’s work is wired to look at and playful. There are 3 museums I am going to visit to help with my research 2 are in Nottingham and 1 in Lincoln, this is along with the 2 university visits to both unis to look at their end of year exhibitions. I am also going to harry potter world in London the 1st week of FMP.

Some of the techniques I am thinking of using are tieing different materials together to create a web or nets. I could also try some arm knitting or mcrami. I want to use many materials like plaster, balloons, tights, bin bags, rubbish lying around the house. I’m planning on combining materials and seeing what work best with which material and what effects I can create, the different out comes will affect how my end piece looks. If I were to use plaster I would have to have ventilation in the room where I am mixing and gloves to protect my hands.

Throughout this project I will be uploading images and videos to my blog and evaluation everything as I go. Also I will be asking other students about individual pieces and asking for their feedback. There will be group crits which everyone will have their say and I will keep a note of them. This is so that I know how my work is being seen by others and if my work is coming across in the right way, also people will be able to tell me if something isn’t working and if I should carry on with something. I will know that my FMP has work successfully as I will see and hear other student’s reactions, my friends and family which are coming to visit and experience my final piece would have fun.


Tuesday 21 April 2015


Started in New York then migrated to Europe then Japan 
Fluxus had a bit of everything it was part DADA, part Bauhaus and part zen 
It was a network of radical visionaries who have sought to change political, social and aesthetic perception 
Fluxus is Latin for flow
An international network of artists, composers and designers 
It's a blend of different artistic medias 
Anti art and anti commercial 

Some artists are 
    Yoko Ono 
    Joseph beuys
    Robert filliou 
    Dick Higgins
    Nam June paik 

Yoko Ono is the better known individual who created art work in the movement 

     George maciunas 
George is a writer and a composer. He attempted to fuse together culture, social and political into one . Also he referred the movement to neo-Dadaism or renewed Dadaism. 
George fled Lithuania at the end of ww2 and he also worked for the U.S. Army Germany.  


My initial ideas for my fmp are;
Break free

-Dullness with colour breaking through.. A masive mess of pointless objects or thing relevant to the now or the past the have a split in it with something breaking out.. Could be another pointless object.. A human or body part.. Or more mess?
-A hand breaking through a mould
-could have a sheet of fabric stretched with something like a frame an make it a performance peice with people scratching on the fabric making an imprint but not going through the fabric almost asif someone it trying to get through.. Film it? Babies do same in womb 
-leaving the past behind you
-be the different one
-who says you have to wear what you do.. Could wear anything? Does it have to go together? Does it have to look correct? 
-embrace you! Don't hold back
-stings attached? Could have strings attached to everything? Where could you go? What path would you take?
-do what YOU want.. Dirty looks.. So what it's you!
-film people? Film you? Film you're feelings? Film what you do and what others do? Film paths?
-create moulds with plaster with imprints and one that's broken through.. One that's made it's mark. 
-could be a series showing different people making their marks.
-look at people who have changed the history or art.. The world.. Individual people like who Insperates them to do one thing
-film me talking about what insperates me? 
-change.. Is it Good or Bad?
-surround people in paths, difference, change, influences, direction.
-could add music to my art? For example what it was I was listening to when I got the idea? ...... Boyce avenue - I'll be there for you
-what's behind closed doors? Films me and vik in the car or see if I can put a camera in the car and see people's reactions or something? 

Wednesday 1 April 2015


Here are the images of me creating some stencils to use for my t-shirt designs. Using a stanley knife and a glove we cut out the image we wanted to see on the t-shirt. I decided i wanted to keep both, the part i have cut out and what i had cut it from.
Once i had cut everything out i placed the stencils onto my fabric and used fabric paint to create my image. i tried a few out different sized and both cut outs to see what was better.
I do very much like this design but if i were to have it on a t-shirt for others to wear i would have to rethink this design as it would be better if i were to get it commercially printed and i wouldnt get the same effect.
Here is my design on a t-shirt, i have printed it and i  do very much like this but the white print has smudged sadly. This is a down fall on printing youre own t-shirts.